Game 33: Ole Miss

Deja vu.

What a horrible ending to the season.  Inconsistent all year, Missouri proves that it cannot get out of its own way and just falls flat on its face in what I considered to be a pretty important game.  There is no point in providing individual breakdowns in this game since this truly was a meltdown in which every player contributed (including Oriakhi despite his nice shooting numbers).  However, there are some players whose performance is worth noting which I will do in a random thoughts format as there really is no longer any point in trying to make sense of what to expect from this team...except for more inconsistency.

Effort and Fundamentals - I've been screaming about them all season long and they are still a problem.  This team cannot get consistent results because they are so fundamentally poor.  It's like they have skills, but are not smart enough to know how to use them.  The Jekyll & Hyde results have been hard to watch since at times this team looks like it is playing good basketball.  Then in the second half, everyone on the team just seemed to be standing around hoping to save some energy for Vanderbilt.  There were no hard cuts to the basket, absolutely no defensive intensity and sloppy ballhandling all contributed to the ultimate loss.

Phil Pressey - speaking of Jekyll & Hyde, which Pressey will show up in the next game?  The one who does not shoot or the one who shoots more than any other player?

Free Throws - no Tiger went to the line more than once in this game.  But even with the limited opportunities, Missouri players failed at the freebies.  On another note, opposing guards can maul Pressey and the refs simply will not call a foul.  This has been happening all year.

Defense - In the first half, Ole Miss scored 24 points on 33 possessions (0.73 points per possession).  In the second half, Ole Miss scored 40 points on 31 possessions (1.29 points per possession).  7 of Ole Miss's 11 offensive rebounds came in the second half, usually from Murphy Holloway outworking Bowers who was horrific on defense in the second half.

Bowers - his second half was pathetic.  He scored two early baskets in the second half, then disappeared (at least when it came to positive contributions) for the rest of the game.  He did not get a single offensive rebound the whole half and looked horrible when defending the interior against Ole Miss.  Bowers was going up against Holloway who had 9 rebounds in the second half to Bowers' 2.  Just a really head-scratching performance from Bowers all the way around.

Keion Bell - Bell seems to have regressed back to early season form as he provided no help in scoring points.  (He did do a good job of grabbing offensive boards though to extend some offensive possessions.)

Sloppy - Missouri turned the ball over 16 times, with 10 of those committed in the second half allowing Ole Miss back into the game.  Again...effort and fundamentals.

Coaching - did not care for whatever it was that Haith was trying to do in that game.  Not once did I feel like Missouri did anything good after a timeout.  And there's no point in mentioning the obvious slow-down which directly contributed to the loss.  Poor game from the coaching staff, in my opinion.  How many times are they going to have to see this before they learn?

Expectations - no reason to expect anything different from this bunch.  The only question is who will we see next - Jekyll or Hyde?

Game 32: Texas A&M

This was ugly.  Two good things I saw in this game...(1) Mizzou controlled the game from the start and (2) the whole team passed the ball pretty well.  The defense was okay, but A&M helped by missing an awful lot of open shots.  I thought Pressey, Bell and Brown did a great job defending the perimeter, especially when they were playing man-to-man.  I thought the zone was spotty as A&M got some pretty good looks but luckily missed a number of easy ones.

A couple of other things were confirmed in this game:  (1) Ross can help this team and he can hurt this team. He did both in this particular game.  He's just so fundamentally flawed that if he just took a more cerebral approach to the game he could be great.  (2) Bell is nowhere near as good at running the offense as Pressey.  The TigerBoard has this irrational hatred of Pressey that usually results in lots of "Let Bell run the point!"  Yeah, good luck with that.

Good: Oriakhi, Pressey, Brown and Criswell.

Okay: Bowers.

Bad: Everyone else.

Game 31: Tennessee

Jekyll & Hyde.  Which one will show up at the post-season tournaments?  Missouri continued to get poor results when playing away from home leading to another heart-breaking loss in almost the exact same fashion as numerous other games this season.  I felt like Haith made some poor tactical decisions based upon the circumstances which ultimately sealed Mizzou's fate as none of us were shocked with the ending.

In my opinion, this game was lost in the first half when Haith went DEEP into the bench due to foul trouble.  I texted my brother-in-law at the time and proved to be prophetic as I said the only way Mizzou wins on the road is by getting out to a big lead in the first half and "just keeping it close" is going to end like all of the others.  And sure enough...

Missouri was up 13-7 when Bowers picked up his second foul and was sent to the bench for the rest of the half.  Missouri held their own until Oriakhi picked up his second foul, leading 19-14 at the point he went to the bench and the Tigers line-up was Pressey, Criswell, Rosburg, Webster-Chan and Ross.  What was Haith thinking?  One starter and four substandard bench players on the floor at the same time in a critical game?!?  Shock of all shocks, Tennessee then went on a 12-2 run and went from being 5 down to 5 points ahead in a matter of 5 minutes.  I had a pretty good idea how the game was going to end at that point.  Instead of keeping Bowers in the game who was torching the Vols defense to extend an early lead, Mizzou was fortunate to be tied at halftime.

But like I said earlier, this team plays better when ahead and when on the road, conservative play-it-by-the-book let's-keep-it-close has not worked ONE SINGLE TIME this year.  So why did Haith think it would be different this game? wasn't.

Phil Pressey
Phil played a solid game but will again be remembered for taking a questionable shot which missed horribly at a crucial point in the game.  No way was he to blame for the loss.  I know it's popular with the majority of the fanbase to place this one on him, but I simply cannot agree with that sentiment.  6/10.

Laurence Bowers
Bowers was making great cuts to the basket early on and Pressey was finding him.  Unfortunately, foul trouble put him on the bench for all but six minutes of the first half after he had scored 9 of Missouri's first 13 points.  Bowers was outmuscled much of the second half in fighting for rebounds as 5 Tennessee players had as many or more boards as Bowers ended up with.  7/10.

Jabari Brown
Never got it going and didn't look good on any of his 3-point attempts.  2/10.

Alex Oriakhi
Oriakhi was dominated by a much-younger Jarnell Stokes.  Orakhi just couldn't keep him off the boards which proved to be a critical key to this game.  4/10.

Keion Bell
Bell was largely a no-show with 7 points and only 1 rebound.  3/10.

Earnest Ross
Ross was awful.  He was 1-9 before hitting the 3-pointer at the buzzer, pushing his shooting percentage up to a whopping 20%.  He missed easy lay-ups, he missed open threes, but worst of all his putrid defense allowed for Jordan McRae to heat up in the second half.  1/10.

Tony Criswell
Criswell scored 4 points, all in the last minute of the first half allowing Missouri to go into the locker room tied.  Outside of that one minute of game time, Criswell was 0-3, 0 rebounds, 0 assists and 2 turnovers in his other 13 minutes of playing time.  Not good.  2/10.

Now What?
Here is your 2012-2013 Missouri Tiger Basketball team.  I think most of us are overall disappointed with how things have turned out.  This team is not as good as we had hoped, even missing the services of Michael Dixon.  I don't have any expectations that things will get any better for the conference and national tournaments for the following reasons:

1) Depth - early on this team looked to be deep, but it turns out that there is no depth and what depth there is pretty poor.  I think the starting five is a good team, but after those first five, the bench leaves a lot to be desired.  Ross and Criswell are horrible defenders and are almost always in the game whenever the opponent goes on a run.  Rosburg and NWC bring absolutely nothing.

2) Effort - this team has been outhustled in a lot of games this year and has frequently looked horrible on defense.  But we've seen moments when these guys can play good defense, so we know they have the ability they just don't seem committed to sustaining any effort on that end of the floor.

3) Fundamentals/Intangibles - the team looks to have poor fundamentals on defense and settles too often for poor shots without even trying to get it inside.  If the game is close, is there any reason to think Mizzou is going to pull out a win?

4) Coaching - Haith needs to take some risks, in my opinion.  We've seen the result of "keeping things close" and it never ends well for this bunch.  Shorten that bench...never play Ross and Criswell at the same time.  Ride Bowers as long as you can.  For all of his faults, Norm did a great job of managing foul trouble I thought.  He would allow his players (especially his stars) to play in the first half until they picked up 3 fouls and then spend time at half time addressing the foul issue so that no cheap ones were picked up early on in the second half.  Bowers needs to be on the floor as much as possible.

Game 26: Florida

Great win for the Tigers!  I had figured this was going to be a sure-loss with a few challenging games coming up on the road and I was worried that the season was about to spiral down the drain.  But these guys rose to the challenge and proved me wrong.  I've been ragging on this team's defense all season long and they held the nation's second best offense to 60 points on 66 possessions.  That is incredible.  Without a doubt, it was the defense in the second part of both halves that brought home the victory.

I am convinced that these guys CAN play good defense, they just appear to be lazy and disinterested most of the time.  But the lineup of Oriakhi, Bowers, Bell, Brown and Pressey can play some pretty energetic defense if they commit to it.  Ross has looked better the last two games as well, in this regard.  If they can continue to show this type of energy and desire to shut down their opponents, there is no reason why they can't win the remaining games on the schedule.

Phil Pressey
Pressey had a great game I thought.  7 points, 6 rebounds (second on the team), 10 assists and 3 steals stuffed the stat sheet.  He played good defense too.  I thought he took over the game during the comeback with his drives (scoring and dishing), but then pulled another dumb stunt with the late 3 which looked like deja vu all over again.  7/10 (could have been higher but the dumb 3).

Laurence Bowers
Bowers finally came to play after a horrible outing in Fayetteville.  His turnaround was falling and he was game high in rebounds with 10.

Got busy...and that's all I got.